A Tarot Spread for When You’ve Dropped the Ball

Jesus, I’ve been away. I was on vacation visiting my parents. I climbed a mountain. I breathed the smoke that results from the entire western half of the continent being on fire. I finally caught up on all my schoolwork so that I’m on track as I begin the fall semester. I’m even trying to get ahead for the semester, pre-reading the Kierkegaard book that’s going to be the central text of the philosophy of religion class for which I’m TAing.

But in all that, the blog has suffered.

I’m going to try to get back into posting once a week. I have a really cool post on the Major Arcana and the divine feminine lined up, and I just need to sit down and make time to write it. But for now, we’re going to go with something straightforward, topically relevant, and less time-intensive for me to write. Here’s a spread for finding renewed motivation with an obligation you’ve let lapse (e.g., a Tarot blog you’ve been neglecting).


1. The Querent

2. The Obligation

3, 4, 5. How and why the obligation has been put on the back burner

6, 7. Steps to take to begin to meet the obligation again

8. Outcome

This is a pretty simple spread, and I don’t think it requires a great deal of explanation, so this post is going to be on the shorter side. But sometimes simple spreads are all we need. And sometimes, when we run a Tarot blog and haven’t posted in practically a month (eek!), we need to publish something, even if it’s short and simple, to get the blog going again. I’ll try to be back next week with something a little more in-depth.

3 thoughts on “A Tarot Spread for When You’ve Dropped the Ball

  1. I’ve dropped the ball. Big time. And I know I cant pick them all up, I need help. But what can you do when no one sees that you’re struggling to pick up the pieces?
    You pick up the pieces for others, because you want to, need to, have to. And they get used to you doing that. And you realise you prevented them from learning how to help others… so now they cant see that you’re struggling to pick everything up… and dont hear you when you ask for help… and get angry at you when you finally get their attention… and you’re killing yourself doing this… and you resign yourself to this position because you havent really learned the lesson of “sacrifice, submission, discipline”. Monks and spiritual practitioners often endure some sort of self flagellation to “ascend”, a denial of the self of some sort…


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